Dermabrasion – A type of facial plastic surgery
Dermabrasion is an extreme form of exfoliation. For this procedure, the doctor actually uses a rotating wire brush like a sanding instrument to remove the entire outer surface of the skin. The epidermis and the upper portion of the dermis (about 1/4 to 1/3 of the thickness of your skin) is usually abraded.
The art and science of the process of dermabrasion lie in determining the correct depth of skin to be removed to achieve the desired cosmetic result. Dermabrasion is a safe mechanical process that can be highly effective, especially in resurfacing aging skin.
How does it work?
Dermabrasion is very similar to chemical peels in the kind of correction it offers. The procedure is most commonly used to treat scars, especially those caused by acne or chicken pox. It is also effective for treatments of fine wrinkles of the skin. Just as a chemical peel, it can also be used to treat freckles or brown pigmentation. Also, as with a chemical peel, the improvement is caused by the healing phase. The abraded skin heals with new collagen and elastic tissue formation, generation a kind of smooth scar on the skin’s surface which is somewhat “harder” in texture than the original skin. As with chemical peels , dermabrasion is best suit to individuals with light skin.
Dermabrasion is always performed under intramuscular or intravenous local anesthetic immediately afterwards, the treated area is bandaged for at least 24 hours. As with chemical peels , the immediate healing period looks very unattractive, but surprisingly enough is not painful. When the dressing is removed, the area appears frighteningly red with a great deal of crusting. These scabs are nature’s dressing while the healing is taking place, they will flake off spontaneously after 1 to 2 weeks. Within 10 days, the skin begin to appear shiny and red, By that time non-photosensitizing makeup with sunscreen can be used to camouflage the healing face. The patient will then feel comfortable about the resuming his or her normal social and work activities. The skin will usually the pink and tender for up to 6 months after the procedure.
Some possible problems
Following the initial scabbing and swelling of the face, when dermabrasion skin becomes shiny and red, little whiteheads called milia can form. These can very easily be treated by our dermatologist. As with chemical peels , after healing, a dermabrasion between the area treated and the surrounding untreated skin might also become visible, the dermabrasion skin often appearing whiter and shinier even after 6 months. In such cases, makeup is used to camouflage the rare.
Sometimes the dermabrasion skin will develop mottled dark spots, a problem that can almost always be prevented by avoiding all direct exposure to sunlight and to tanning beds. Individuals with dark complexions may develop such dark spots even without exposure to ultraviolet light. On rare occasions, there can be prolonged redness, though this gradually disappears with time.
Great skin for life – Karen Burke
Dermabrasion – A type of facial plastic surgery