The Colon Cleansing – One of The Wrinkle Cleanse Program
Though at first glance the Colon Cleansing can look like it would be impossible to carry out while working outside the home, it is actually not that hard.
The Colon Cleansing will not only improve digestion and elimination, it will help to slow down aging . People who have the Colon Cleansing process into their lifestyle , along with a whole foods, high antioxidant diet, often notice a softening or disappearance of wrinkles , a tightening of their skin and a brighter, more glowing complexion.
Look closely at the menu for the morning and afternoon program and you will see that most of the entries are water.
The Colon Cleansing program is designed to work with the 14-Day Wrinkle Cleanse Diet. You will continue with this diet – it represents your new anti wrinkle lifestyle – while adding Colon Cleansing Program.
7.00 am: Fibre shake
7.15 am: Herbal tea with lemon or hot water with lemon
7.30 am: Choose your breakfast recipes from the “14-Day Wrinkle Cleanse Diet” and with add freshly made vegetable receipts and add some raw food such as sliced tomatoes, avocado or fresh berries
Recommended: Additional minerals (either liquid minerals or capsules)
Morning program
9.00 am: 240ml water
9.30 am: Herbs: Colon Cleansing herbal supplements
10.00 am: 240ml water or freshly made vegetable juice
10.30 am: Fibre shake
11.00 am: 240ml water
11.30 am: 240ml water
Lunch: Choose your lunch recipes from the “14-Day Wrinkle Cleanse Diet” and with add freshly made vegetable receipts and add some raw food such as sliced tomatoes, avocado or fresh berries
Afternoon program
1.30 pm: Herbs: Colon Cleansing herbal supplements
2.00 pm: 240ml water or sparkling water with lemon
2.30 pm: 240ml water or sparkling water with lemon
3.00 pm: Fibre shake
3.30 pm: 240ml water or sparkling water with lemon
4.00 pm: 240ml water or sparkling water with lemon
4.30 pm: Herbs: Colon Cleansing herbal supplements
5.00 pm: 240ml water or sparkling water with lemon
5.30-6.30 pm: Choose from your dinner recipes from the “14-Day Wrinkle Cleanse Diet” and add more raw food such as green salad
8.00 pm: Herbal tea such as peppermint or chamomile
After the above Colon Cleansing diet program will can take up to 6 weeks, you will feel totally transform on your face and your health. You may lose Wrinkles , unwanted weight and a host of health problems, too.
The wrinkle cleanse – Cherie Calbom
The Colon Cleansing – One of The Wrinkle Cleanse Program