Substances That Accelerate Aging

Substances That Accelerate Aging

It’s exciting to learn about what we can add t our diet and lifestyle to look younger and reverse sings of aging , and though it is always fun to find out about the foods and nutrients we can included, it is equally important to know what we need to omit too prevent premature aging .

Certain substances will cause the body to age fasting make it more susceptible to skin damage, because they deplete it of nutrients, caused oxidation in cells, and contribute to inflammation. Many such substances contribute to the body’s toxic burden and stress the liver and other organs of elimination.
Substances included:
Artificial flavoring
Recreational drugs
Many prescription drugs
Refined salt
Sugar substitutes
Damaged fats
Refined flour products
High carb food
Pesticides and environmental toxins

If we don’t minimize these substances, or better yet eliminate them, from our diet and lifestyle (and cleanse them from our body periodically), they will eventually contribute to disease. Therefore, it’s important for our faces as it is for our health that we look at the substances that accelerate aging .

The wrinkle cleanse – Cherie Calbom

Substances That Accelerate Aging